Friday, April 3, 2009

I Am Bored and Lonely

OK, I am sitting at home and i am very bored. I am watching shows recorded on my DVR.
I recently had surgery, i had a breast reduction. I had it done because i have serious neck issues and we are hoping to reduce my pain levels. Another reason is i have always had large breasts and i have dreamed of having smaller breasts so that i can wear clothes otherwise off limits and to get away with not wearing a bra. It is incredible! Now that i am in my 30's they have started to not be so perky. Its super nice to have breasts that are again perky. I actually bought my first padded bra :) Its strange not having the largest chest but i am surviving. Last week i went to my cousins graduation party and she said that i was flat like a model. My reaction was a bit defensive, even though she meant it as a compliment. She then said that i wasn't flat and that i was skinny like a model. It was a total compliment. I like that but its still a shock not having large breasts.
On that note, i have lost 30 pounds!!! I am now a size 4!!! I have started running recently and i think that is one of the main reasons i lost so much weight. Also i have been watching what i eat a little but i am good at losing weight when i put my mind to it. It happens only when i realize i have gotten fat. It has happened to me twice now. Hopefully not a third time, barring pregnancy of course.
Lets see, other things that are going on in my cousin Star just graduated from police academy, she is now an HPD officer. Its pretty cool. I have a police sticker in my front windshield that signifies i am an official member of the police family. I don't plan on getting pulled over but hopefully it helps if i do. Sunde is away for school to become an E6, so she is in Texas. I miss her. We just recently got over our issues and i am so happy to have her back in my life. I also understand now i how hurt her. For Stars graduation gift i made her CD's with all the pics from her graduation and had the CD's designed. I made her 15 of them, it cost me a pretty penny. She didn't seem to happy or grateful for them. I chalked it up to her being excited about her graduation party. Then 2 days later I found out that her mom had accidentally washed her phone so she was phoneless. So i charged my old phone and cleared it out and gave it to her. She didn't act grateful at all, it was like she expected it to be given to her. I was very hurt by her actions. I got to thinking and i did the same thing to her. She bought me a plane ticket to move here cuz i was in a very bad place in my life. She also bought me some clothes, personal products and food. I think i acted the same way Star did. When i realized this i felt really bad. I decided to treat her to lunch and tell her how grateful i am for all that she has done for me. It is really hurtful to do nice things for someone who isn't grateful. This has been a very powerful lesson. It wasn't that i wasn't grateful, though i had a bad habit of taking from people, it was that i didn't know how to be grateful. I was alone for most of my life, with no one to support me or be there for me. Now that i have a loving husband and family my outlook has changed. I hope to express all this at lunch with Sun. I believe she will appreciate the gesture. Maybe i should get her a gift, i know that i cant buy her love but something pretty would make her smile.
So, there is no more for me to write about so i will have to quit now. OH, WAIT!!!
I got a recommendation from my plastic surgeon on a face care regimen and it finally arrived today. I have only used it twice so far but i can feel a difference already. I cant wait to see what my skin is like in 2 weeks. My doctor said that it takes 6 to 8 weeks before the full effect happens, but he has said that there is awesome results with this product. I think my skin care search is finally over!! I am excited!!
OK, that is really all i have to talk about.
Blessed Be.